Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Two Theories

Slowly I’m developing a new theory, one I’m sure will win me international acclaim and a multitude of awards after I perfect it. My theory began to evolve after I re-watched a certain movie today. The movie produced exactly the same effect as the first time I watched it with my lil’ sis a couple of years back; that is, floods of tears in all the same places. Probably I should scientifically test my theory out by watching the film again tomorrow, but I predict the same result.

My idea coincides with the fact that the human body is complexly made up of atoms that are polygomus, meaning they can create as many bonds as they choose. Each human body is unique, meaning different amalgamations occur in different individuals. If the right combination of bonds is intertwined, bam, a particular physical reaction is produced.

My friend Christina is exceptionally skillful at twisting my bonds just so. I suppose she creates covalent bonds in me, as these are the bonds that “share.” One gaze from her chocolate brown eyes and I find myself pouring out thoughts I’d kept from some of my closest friends. Of course, inevitably she’ll smile knowingly and say,

“Yeah, I figured that out, you’re too transparent.” The crazy thing is she probably did already guess it.

Another lady is also adept at getting things from me. Her fixed, probing stare earlier this evening had me discussing things I’d never mentioned aloud before. She created another type of covalent bond in me.

Maybe the movie crying response is due to the bonds of “fatal attraction,” or ionic bonds. Who can deny that there is something irresistible about a tragic movie that unleashes a downpour of tears?

I’m sure you’re dying to hear more about my highly scientific bond theory (should I consider teaching science instead of English?), but instead I need to mention a currently pressing topic: The December 29th Bangladesh Election 2008.

Awami League is in with over 200 votes. Woo hoo. Cheering and celebration in certain parts of Dhaka.

Perhaps rioting and protesting in other parts?

Last night I talked with an interesting character. The girl is currently writing a dissertation on political participation in Bangladesh. When she first told me this I was instantly interested as I knew almost 20 million Bengalis are registered to vote, a staggering sum.

“Tell me more.” She could not ask for a more attentive audience.

“Well, political participation tends to be higher in third world and developing countries,” she ventured carefully in her dainty British accent.

“Why do you reckon?” I asked in my blunt American accent.

“My theory is that because unemployment is high and Bengalis are unemployed or under-occupied-TVs are scarce- they are, frankly, bored.”

“Sounds about right,” My head nods comprehendingly.

This is a theory I can get behind. Wonder if her theory will win her as much universal commendation as my above one will earn me.


  1. Actually they have a majority of over 200 seats--they didn't win by 200 VOTES.. there is a big different.. they won by 10's of millions of votes.

    I thought Bangladesh had more like 80 million registered voters.. 20 m sounds too small..

    Sometime-- and i know from first had experience, that there are economic incentives to be enrolled to vote-- ie the political parties will give you food and stuff to register..

    Lastly.. we in Australia have high voting enrolment and voting than Bangladesh, or most other country.. and you thought we were an apathetic lot.. ask an aussie, he'll tell you. JSG

  2. PS I have to admit i'm a bit perplexed by your other theory though..other than to say it's not too hard to imagine you can be transparent-- i mean i already know you are bad at lying JSG

  3. Would Australia have a higher voter enrollment because it's mandatory?

    When did I say Aussies are apathetic? Jen says they are, but those words never passed my lips.

    I meant 200 seats, but couldn't think of the word, so said votes. Obviously they didn't win by to low a number.

    I'll let you have the 80 million one, though.

    Someone's a grump today.- EGB
